Tuesay, Thursday, Saturday 3:00PM - 06:00PM | Online reservation for morning tours

Guided tours and workshops

The Carlo Conti Museum of Archeology and Paleontology is the best place to learn about the history (and prehistory) of Monte Fenera and Lower Valsesia, starting from the occupation by Neanderthal man.

The thematic guided tours and workshops last one to two hours and are aimed at involving children in different archaeological practices and experiences, through multidisciplinary paths and direct participation.

Discover the extraordinary history of Monte Fenera!

The educational workshops and proposed trails can be complemented by hikes to Monte Fenera, thanks to the collaboration with qualified nature guides.

Please contact our operators in order to plan customized multidisciplinary experiences for every class.
Book your first visit

Please book your guided tour by sending an e-mail to museocarloconti@gmail.com, specifying: name of the lead teacher, school, class, number of participants, chosen workshop. Please also indicate an address where you may be contacted in order to complete your reservation or discuss any special needs.

The activities are free for all schools in Borgosesia, whilst a contribution of €3.00 per pupil is required for all other institutes.

Costs for school groups:
thematic visit + teaching workshop (total duration 2 hours for primary and secondary school ; about 1 hour for the Kindergarten) 3.00 € per child
visit to the entire collection (total duration 2 hours) 3.00 € per child
Costs for groups of adults (6 to 25 participants)
visit to the entire collection (total duration 2 hours) 50,00 € per group

Workshops and guided tours can be organized on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 to 12:30 or from 14:00 to 17:00.


No archives to show.

Museum Hours

9:30–6:00, Monday Until 8:00

Museum Location

2270 S Real Camino Lake California

The Loquet Museum fuels a journey of discovery across time to enable
solutions for a brighter future rich in nature and culture.

We are working for you!

The C. Conti Museum is temporarily closed to the public for technical and structural interventions. 

For info, group bookings and curiosity please write an e-mail to museocarloconti@gmail.com.

We remind you that the Habitat Bear Paths can be used independently. See the project page on our website!